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General of the Army
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Default 10-30-2005, 08:11 PM

Single players pretty linear to me. Seems to be every mission is shoot germans, take objectives then repel germans from taking it back from you.

Gotta love the 20,000 lines of combat dialogue they said they put in the game, sounds more like they copied 2 sound files both saying "mg42 ahead", and "thats an mg42, copied them 19998 times then stuck them into the sound folder. I must hear those lines used 20 times a mission at least and it got sleeping: after the first 30 uses.

The real kicker to me is the game performs like SHITE at high res with any form of antialiasing applied, and id love to know where the fuck the performance is being sucked to. No physics or anything to worry about, game looks "ok" at best not that much of a boost over the older cod imo.

Then again it goes without sayin that most likely this is some form of an xbox 360 portover or at the very least has been coded to run better on that so we prtty much get shafted in that respect.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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