Thread: Invade Syria?
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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 10-30-2005, 09:19 PM

I, like many others, dont consider the war in iraq to be part of the war on terror. It was imperialism at its finest and the terrorism therin was caused unnecessarily by american aggression. Purely cause and affect. The only reason why terrorism is in iraq - the only reason why we even know about Al Zarqawi is because of whats happening in Iraq. Terrorists, with the exception of 9/11 and London are simply going wherever US or Coalition troops are stationed. If they werent in Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and these other nations where our military has no business in, then we wouldnt have to worry about it. If the west would rethink their foreign policy that wasnt so skewed towards Israeli appeasment and Corporate greed, then we wouldnt have this kind of beef with other people. Bush may have reacted more aggresively than any of his predecessors have, but what progress has he received with such strength? nothing. nothing at all. OBL hasnt been caught, Afghanistan is a blip on the Fox News/CNN streamers nowadays. More focus on all media is on american deaths, the apparent bunglings of the feds, insider trading, and now the supreme court. Your faith in this strategy of "remove those tools and resources from terrorist organizations so that these countries that welcome them and where these recruits are coming from, have no choice but to resort to diplomacy to solve their grievances" IMO is dellusional. Who here can say that prior to the invasion that Iraq was synonomous with terrorism? Alot of these terrorist suspects are Saudi, I dont see our tanks rumbling through Riyadh. There were plenty of real terrorists to go after other than Iraq. Bush was wrong about WMDs, and its fucking hysterical on how people can still try to justify what he did. He fucked up, plain and simple, and instead of fixing it, this country has to suffer for it and he still got re-elected. as for your comment about, i havent read their site and i dont think i have ever quoted one of their links. im not saying that what Ninty posts is bullshit, i just think that before you top off with some kind of proverbial potshot, you should at least get it right.
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