Thread: Invade Syria?
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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Default 10-31-2005, 02:09 PM

[quote:ad763]It was imperialism at its finest -[/quote:ad763]

More unsubstatiated bullshit. Where is your evidence that this is "imperialism at its finest"? If you point to Halliburton contracts and oil then you automatically lose. If this were about Imperialism, Iraq wouldnt have passed a constitution recognizing Islam as a source for legislative procedure.

[quote:ad763]and the terrorism therin was caused unnecessarily by american aggression.[/quote:ad763]

And the majority of the terrorist blowing Iraqis up are. . .Iraqis - right? RIGHT??

[quote:ad763]Terrorists, with the exception of 9/11 and London are simply going wherever US or Coalition troops are stationed.[/quote:ad763]

Bali, Madrid, Indonesia, Syria, etc. etc. etc. Tell me another one.

[quote:ad763]If the west would rethink their foreign policy that wasnt so skewed towards Israeli appeasment and Corporate greed[/quote:ad763]

Lord - if ever a response was deserving of an eye-roll emote.

[quote:ad763]Bush may have reacted more aggresively than any of his predecessors have, but what progress has he received with such strength?[/quote:ad763]

Other than removing an oppresive human rights abusing government that openly sponsered terrorism, and taking care of a dictator with numerous human rights abuses who was currently undermining UN resolutions - yea. Nothing much.

[quote:ad763]OBL hasnt been caught, Afghanistan is a blip on the Fox News/CNN streamers nowadays.[/quote:ad763]

Oh my stars and garters - theres no mass murdering going on in Afghanistan - UNACCEPTABLE! Madmart must have constant happenings going on in Afghanistan or the removal of the Towley-Ban wasnt worth it!

[quote:ad763]IMO is dellusional[/quote:ad763]

Thats ok. Youre pretty much showed your opinion isnt too coherent and grounded in any kind of reality. I'm sure if I formed my opinion based on sound-bites and what I get from I'd feel the same way.

[quote:ad763]Who here can say that prior to the invasion that Iraq was synonomous with terrorism?[/quote:ad763]

Other than the fact that he provided medical support for known terrorists as well as "Suicide Bomber Payoffs" to Palestinians who attacked Israel. . .naw - nothing at all.

[quote:ad763]Bush was wrong about WMDs[/quote:ad763]

As was George Tenet, Congress, and the Brits. Decisions arent made in a vacuum - understandably that undermines your "Fuck Bush" mentality - but credit where credit is due.

[quote:ad763]and its fucking hysterical on how people can still try to justify what he did.[/quote:ad763]

One more time - its narrowminded people like you who need to make the war about WMD. Its not, nor was it solely about WMDS - thats just what was given to the public; that indeed was the admin's mistake - overselling WMD's and underselling the other tangible reasons to remove wacky Saddam from power. But you keep on bleating about WMD's - certainly noone will mistake you for a sheep.
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