Thread: Invade Syria?
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Default 11-01-2005, 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by Johnj
Sorry Trunks last time I checked there wasn't anything in Somalia except the starving masses and the war lords who hoard the food. Our military went there to try to distribute food to the starving masses. As in most cases no good deed went unpunished.
I am in no way trying to say America did not do good in Somalia. Because the US did. However, it would be naive to say that they did not attempt to interfere in the countries other "internal affairs," so to speak. If I am not mistaken, operation Gothic Serpent, whose goal was to capture Omar Salad and Mohamed Hassan Awale, both top advisors to Aidid, ignited the battle of Magadishu. If the US was more concerned with distributing food, and policing the towns, then this would not have happened. However, as always, we had to stick our noses where they dont belong, and because of that, 18 american soldiers were killed, 73 wounded, and somewhere around 1000 Somalis were also killed.
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