11-02-2005, 06:14 PM
ah its finally coming out...this is all because of the fact that the flu immunization season is basically going to be cut off after this week...
i work part time for the same place i had an internship this summer, but now i get paid and my main job was to work with our flu program. our company was running a large part of the clinics in pittsburgh and all over the country. i was staffing these clinics, setting up supply routes, etc for like retail 450-500 clinics (supermarkets, pharmecies, etc) , each expected to give anywhere between 75-150 shots per clinic.
there were 2 companies producing flu vaccine, sanofi-aventis and some other one from the uk. the uk one was supposed to produce like 50 million vials and only went with around 8 million. so now we have to cancel all retail clinics (ones the public has access to), and its sad because people under the age of 65 werent able to get immunized until the 24th of oct.
this is kind of a big deal, but america is getting utterly raped in every way shape and form this year. sry for the long post, but i know all about this situation...