11-02-2005, 07:10 PM
Left a new shirt at this kids house in Gr 7 (i slept over or somethihng), like a week later he came to school wearing it.. Im like "nice shirt" he just said thanks and kept wearing the shirt throughout the year. dont know why i didnt try to get it back.. hes stilll my friend, but ive long forgot about it and dont really care.
while i was camping with my school last year i let one of my friends wear my pants. i had to leave early because i was caught inside a girls tent, and never saw the pants again. i asked him about it later but he said he didnt know what i was talking about.. haha but i dnt really care about that either.
in like gr 4 i lent someone in my class rollercoaster tycoon and some other game.. never got it back.
oh yeah, this summer, when i was on vancouver island working for this guy (doing renovations), my sister (who's always been a bitch) "borrowed" my shaun of the dead dvd, took it to her boyfriends house or some shit to watch it, then took it with her when she moved to calgary the day after... by the time i found out she was already gone. all my older sisters steal my dvds tho, so i usually have to go to their houses and steal them back.
also the same sister used to come into my room and steal all my cds, and never get it back unless i took it back myself. before last summer i found a huge stack of them from like gr 7 on.. lol.
last year or so, i lent a girl in my class the matrix (she never had watched it before, but she wanted to), and she still has it.. lol. i never asked for it back though; i have it on dvd.