Originally Posted by m00nraker
I've got the Abit AN8-SLi board currently and have had no problems with it. I haven't pushed it very far in regards to OC'ing but my 3200+ is stable at 2.4 Ghz.
I've heard good things about the Asus as well however; folks do say the chipset fan goes out so maybe buy an aftermarket up front if you go with that. This one works:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6835110103
I'm not sure about the DFI Infinity. Most folks opt for the Ultra SLi-D or DR's but they are pricy.
Something to think about both Asus and Abit will have "32x" versions of their SLi boards out soon (next week or two) which is 2 16x PCI-Express lanes in SLi mode as apposed to 1 16x PCI-Express lane split 2 ways. However I can't really imaging that you would find yourself wanting more bandwidth with 2 6800 GT's in SLi mode even if they were running at on 8x lanes.
Nother point in regards to your upgrade. I would go ahead and got with 2 GB's of RAM (2x1GB kit) as opposed to 1 GB. I ran into problems with all 4 slots populated on my Abit AN8 SLi (4x512) running at it's rated speed and timings (from what I've gathered it has more to do with my CPU than the motherboard as the memory controller doesn't handle all four banks being populated well. Heck it's in the friggin manual I just didn't read it). I did upgrade to a 2 GB kit (2x1GB sticks) of this stuff:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6820220040
works well.