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Default 11-05-2005, 10:40 AM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Milla, settle down fella!!
i usually keep my cool but we're only human and sometimes can't help our emotions. I yelled at 2 assholes going towards the Verrazzano bridge on the Staten island side. We were in traffic and i put my blinker on and began to make my move. Fucker knew what i was doing and sped up....i went anyway causing them to lock up their brakes and give me the horn. I rolled my window down and yelled "You fuckin saw my blinker asshole and you fuckin speed up?"

I knew it was wrong to yell but i was pissed. They got all quiet and switched lanes. Lucky for me i didn't get shot at that time. Usually i either ignore people or just smile and wave and quietly say "Have a nice day, asshole"
Normally i never ever get road rage, i never yell if someone fucks me over and doesn't let me in and makes me miss my turn or something, i dont get angry, but this guy was just an ass, i mean he tried to force me and my gf who was in the car off the road, and the other people in front of us going down the mountain.

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