11-07-2005, 10:40 AM
Much of beating these fuckers involves "dumb luck" as far as I'm concerned. . .as the entire time I fought the 4th Colossi the "hint" did not show up, and I just HAPPENED to run under the tunnels and come out the other side and see his tail allowed me to climb up.
Same thing with the 3rd Colossi:
"Hey look at this weird lil stone platform - I wonder if it does any. . OH FUCK HE'S ABOUT TO HIT ME WITH HIS HAMMER!"
I beat the 6th when I realized it was time to go to sleep. Total playtime - 3 fucking hours, which was actually more since I paused numerous times to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do. annoy:
Granted - I spent an hour looking for the 5th.
After I beat it the first time, Im gonna replay it again (not on hard) and record it. The battles are just so awesome, although I'm hoping the fights become more than figure out how to get on, and proceed to stab-location. I've heard the 15th and 16th Colossi are "ZERO's MISSIONS" type difficulty.
And the horse pisses me the fuck off. Big time. I spend most of my time kicking it even when running full speed.