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Default 11-08-2005, 05:17 PM

The following is an observation made by myself rather than hard facts. Some of you may want to just disregard this entire post, others may not, but this is my opinion of the events taking place in Australia currently. This is what I see happening in many countries around the world. It happening in Australia wouldn't suprise me with the Howard government. I'm sure most of those who lean to the right will laugh and say i'm crazy, but none the less, this is what I see:

Australia is in the process of trying to pass legislation, similar to the patriot act in the US, giving police and government agencies extrodinary powers to protect the citizens from terrorists. From what I understand, there was somewhat of an outcry from the bill. The bill is what I posted a link to above.

Just a few days ago, the Australian government issued a terrorist alert saying that buildings bridges and subways could be targeted by terrorists.

A link can be found here: ... alia.t.php

Now they say they've caught 17 suspected terrorists as per the link above.

I see the two events as fear mongering in order to gain support for tougher terrorist measures and in turn creating public acceptance of the bill trying to be passed. ... e2340.html ... ttackslaws

So all in all we have legislation trying to be passed. On the eve of introduction, a terrorist alert is given. When the bill passes, 17 terrorists are arrested due to the fact that the bill was implemented which clearly shows the people that the legislation is appropriate.

Now everyone feels good and tingly inside. ... 61,00.html

Obviously, i'm skeptical. We're playing a game. The government tells you to be afraid and that they'll protect you. Every country does it, Mine, yours, everyones.
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