Originally Posted by tomxtr
Originally Posted by Trunks
Originally Posted by duncey
First of all OSAMA is the leader of this whole thing. We catch him - a few more terrorist attacks happened - they settle down after. It might hurt us at first, but in the long run, catching him would be better for the economy.
Islamic terrorism has become an ideal. You cannot kill of an ideal simply by cutting off its head, because it will sprout 10 more, each as sinister and evil as the first. And if we capture him and sentence him to death, we will be making him a martyr, which will enrage so many muslims you cant even begin to imagine.
Damn, you sound like a pussy. If you're convinced that he is behind 9/11, then you absolutely do whatever is within your power to bring him to justice. If justice means putting him to death, then so be it. If you sit back and weigh the consequences (potential increase in terrorism) of doing what is right, then you've given in to terrorism.
BTW, radical muslims don't need OBL to be martyred to hate Americans and westerners. They learn that before they learn to walk.
I dont want to get into a needless flame war, so I will choose to ignore the, "you sound like a pussy" bit. There is a difference between doing what is right, and doing wat is smart. A wise person will know when to do the right thing, and when to do the smart thing. And I will tell you this. By killing Osama Bin Laden, we will be giving them yet another reason to fight us. Dont you see, by making him a martyr we are making him a hero to all islamic extremists! I say, if we even capture him, make him tell us what we need to know about al-quaida, etc, but killing him would be pointless. Take a look at Father Miguel Hidalgo during the mexican revolution against the spanish. He led a peaceful revolt, was captured and KILLED by the spanish, and this gave the mexican people yet another reason to fight the spanish. It gave them a hero to strive to be like. Circumstances are very different, but Im sure its not too hard to see some of the likliness between the two events.