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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 11-11-2005, 06:40 PM

[quote:8cc25]TGB! Please post some of those studies done that counter everything this man and many others have said, and make sure they weren't done by a Priest or a RNC spokesperson.[/quote:8cc25]

You say that, yet the article you link is owned and operated by a Church and "CapitolHillBlue", the liberals version of NEWSMAX.

But here's Popular Mechanics running through SEVERAL of the boogey-man claims that noone has been able to support BEYOND theoreticals. . . ... page=1&c=y

And heres NIST's own investigation into the collapse (but - yanno - its a SINISTER government agency, so best to just dismiss their findings out of hand and trust the findings of someone without hands on experience of Ground Zero). ... il0505.htm

Also - in the interest of fairness - something lacking in many of these Conspiracy Theorists websites. . .I give you a "rebuttal" to PM (which actually just repeats quite a few conspiracy theories next to facts to bolster the more controversial claims. . .dirty pool).
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