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Default 08-29-2002, 01:20 AM

GC: You will definately still be able to use custom skins! With Force Models turned off you wouldn't see everyone else running around as one skin. Lets run thru an example.

Server has the GC skin on it and is turning Force Models Off and Client Side Skin selection.
Player A has the GC skin but has another skin selected.
Player B has the GC and is using it.
Player C has only default skins.
The only person who would not see the skin is Player C.

So custom skins will still work, as long as the server and clients have that skin. With the ability to force the skin selection clans could even force their own skins to be used on their clan server. Forcing Server Side Skin Selection is not nessesary, it's merely an additional option. (see my msg above) There might be a small impact on the skinning community, however the ability to stop people from using (most) neon skins will far outweigh it.
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