Thread: arguments
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gomer is Offline
Posts: 63
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: glendale,az
Default 08-02-2001, 08:36 AM

i dont know what started these petty arguements, but how bout if you guys just at least try to be civilized and take care of your arguements elsewhere like a "bitching forum" or something, you all are ruining this forum for all the "newbies" trying to say hello and find info on the game because of your immature stupid-ass not even involved with it and already i hate going to this forum... i believe this quote would solve all of our problems... "its just a GAME!!!!!" but really this whole quarrel between the 101st and 3rd ID is very childish and i really dont get how people could be so pissed at someone over a forum..... well im done being the
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