11-17-2005, 11:44 AM
The whole point of the article is to ask two questions in my mind:
1) Where there bombs in the buildings that contributed to the collapse of WTC1 WTC2 and WTC7?
2) If so, the next logical question would be 'Who put them there?'
Because it would be a long shot if it were a coincidence that on the same day two groups decided to blow up the WTC.
Say there were bombs in the buildings. Do anyone believe that the 19 hijackers put the bombs in there? If it was them, why hasn't anyone in the government or media said anything about it?
This is a serious accusation. It seems that many will completly deny it, some will say even if it's true, it doesn't change anything, and others will do some actual research of their own into the subject.
9/11 is the basis for the entire foreign policy of the US. I believe people should ask questions about what hapened that day. Same for London, Bali, Jordan, Madrid etc.
Anyway, here is a vid of the collapse of WTC7 that Tucker wouldn't show when he had the professor on. Draw your own conclusions, and I do encourage people to do that.
[url=http://www.wtc7.net/vdocs/wtc7_collapse2.mpg:4e55c]Video of WTC7 Collapsing from CBS[/url:4e55c]
There are other videos and topics about WTC7 on [url=http://www.wtc7.net/videos.html:4e55c]this[/url:4e55c] page: