Originally Posted by tomxtr
I'm afraid I don't understand why this would be a conservative vs. liberal thing when it comes to the believability of bombs in the towers.
They fell down, we all saw planes hit them. If there were bombs as well, so be it.
Yeah I guess I got off-track...
So back to point ... Is there not a video showing the planes hitting the towers?
Well some argue that just a hit like that, and the jet fuel could not destroy the building.
It didn't get hot enough to bend the steel. That’s what conspiracy theory says.
However the building was not designed correctly, the exoskeleton was perfect, however it had no structure inside. Plus the entire wait had to help.
The other thing was the Pentagon, some say that that was a missile ... well I tend to lean more towards a missile on that one, it was too low, and there was supposedly no parts of a plane in the wreckage. Well, that’s what I know, if parts of a plane were found, than I must have put that valuable information in the back of my head and taken in a conspiracy theory for fun.