Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by Pyro
Christianity is the only religion which tries to force you to join.
Yeah, I'm sure those Muslims that have the TNT tied to their waists don't want to convert us to Islam or anything rolleyes: sleeping:
They want you to join freely. Im sure they'd want you dead if we converted to being muslim too.
what the fuck...?
well said
Pyro, seriously ... what the fucks are you saying? This is not like the Chronicles of Riddick ... Join or die.
As a matter of fact, to prevent that exact thought you don't see Christians, Catholics, Jews and some other doing that anymore.
Yes, Christianity did try to force people like in Africa, but they have helped a lot as well by providing programs like sponsoring a kid, and most their charities are well known and trusted.
You wanna know who forces you to join - Scientology, those crazy fucks.
I went to scientology when I was little cause my mom found like some self help classes, and ways to improve yourself ... well after a while my mom and I caught on and they wanted us to forget all about our religion and telling us how bad it is ... And Muslims, oHHH I forgot, you don't have a choice cause from your youth you are forced to these fucked up views, my bad …
oh Witchism, YEAH that one too … like Harry Potter … poor kid, he had no choice, they spammed him, and then they sent a huge guy to get him, how could he have said no with all that pressure. If it wasn’t for witchism, Harry could be still living in that fucking closet, and being pounded by Dudley … and I meant pounding in the ass.
You know, I feel you are pulling everyone’s leg here; cause all that comes from your mouth is so ridiculous. You just wanna get people mad and have them throw a fit. I know what you are you doing, you’re releasing stress … I do it by going slow on the fast lane, and turning my bright plus fog lights to annoy the car in front of me.