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Default 11-21-2005, 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by tomxtr
Originally Posted by Trunks
Originally Posted by tomxtr
No, what I'm saying is that if someone punches you in the face, you would punch back if you had any sense.
A more reasonable thing to do would be to figure out wtf the guy punched you in the first place. If you punch him back you will automatically fuel a hatred between you and the other person, which can result in a fight in the current situation, and more fights in the future.
When someone randomly carjacks and kills a member of your family, are you going to want justice, or will you contemplate how society has failed this individual? The fact is, there is no reasoning with these people. Just ask the Israelis. They've been unsuccessful for years at trying to qwell terrorism. Additionally, if they blow up our buildings and we do not retaliate, but rather offer some concession to their demands, do we not open the door for other terrorists to use this tactic? I'm guessing we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I do know one thing, in the days after 9/11, (I remember it vividly as I worked at USA Today at the time and could see the pentagon from my office) Bush would have been run out of Washington if he didn't retaliate.
I understand that a moment like that would have been heart wrenching, and I completely agree with you that we needed to reatliate. But how we retaliate is another question.
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