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Default 11-21-2005, 04:27 PM

I don't weigh in too often on this forum because of the obvious polarity on many important issues. What I read seems to involve very little actual discussion on either side of an argument. In any case, here goes:

Pyro, I give you more credit than a lot of people on here. I think you're probably brighter than you let on. However, I think even you'll admit that you're neither a physicist or an engineer. That being said, neither am I. Nor is ninty, stackem, mr. clean, stammer or anyone else who has posted in this thread. How then can anyone of us intelligently comment on something as colossal as the collapse of the World Trade Center? I've taken basic physics courses, but I absolutely cannot fathom the dynamic complexities of one of earth’s largest structures collapsing. I simply cannot begin to believe that after reading a report I can make an accurate inference as to what actually happened that day in NYC. In fact, in my opinion, to do so would be the embodiment of arrogance.

I admit that this is a relatively bleak outlook. However, I believe that ultimately the truth will be known, as the diligence and research of those who are passionate about such things will uncover what we don’t already know. Maybe that person is you. If you are compelled to pursue such an undertaking, then do so. But please, take your work beyond reading a few internet articles and siding with a professor at BYU. I’m not saying that you guys haven’t, but I wouldn’t be inclined to latch onto anything posted here, as many of you are just about as credible as Wolf Blitzer (translation: not credible). After all, in the age of disinformation and conspiracy theories, can we really trust anyone other than ourselves?

Finally, I’d like to address the whole left vs. right garbage. The elitist attitude displayed by both sides is juvenile. Ninty, if you want to make a difference and change peoples minds, don’t alienate people with the hard-line attitude. You did to a few people in this thread what you said you hate; to tell people that their core beliefs are wrong. This applies to everyone else as well. I am not asking anyone to make concessions or take a step away from what they accept as true; rather, I am suggesting that when we state our positions, we be civil about it. Perception is very powerful. If I perceive you as a dick, I likely won’t put a lot of credence into what you have to say. But if you present a valid case, I may be interested in pursuing things on my own to a further degree.

Well, that sums up my thoughts. I hope it’s all readable and makes sense.
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