11-23-2005, 03:19 PM
[quote:d1a13]2100 over the course of a couple years
thousands in one day...
2100 = less than number of people who died on 9/11.
Forgot about that one didn't ya? They kill 3,000 of us in one day and we have 2000 die in a couple years of trying to stop it from happening again...[/quote:d1a13] I look at it as 2100 MORE people who DIED attempting to prevent it from happening again when in reality theyve only increased hostilities between terrorists and other countries, and because of the actions of their governments, have made almost every single country more suceptible to terrorist attacks. When the smart thing to do would have been to negotiate, to insure that something like that doesnt happen again. Knowledge is power. If you know why they did what they did, you can prevent it from happening again. And 2100 people would still be alive if we had done the smart thing...
[quote:d1a13]I know how we can solve this, we need to just send Trunks, the Dragonball Z kid to negotiate with Osama Bin Laden. He'll get the work done, he seems to be optimistic of the chances of negotiating with crazed mad men. Go for it, since you think the world is so easy breezy, go for it. Good luck, try not to get your head chopped off in the first few days...[/quote:d1a13]OK, I am choosing to ignore some of what you have said, because I dont want to get into a flame war. *bites his lip* OK, I am NOT optimistic about negotiating with terrorists, but it is a hell of a lot better than blowing them up! Look at the Russian Chechen wars, Russia doesnt want to negotiate and look what happens then. When in reality, if they had just let that tiny little peace of land secede, they could have avoided all the bloodshed. And before you say, NO WAY TRUNKS U DONT KNOW WHAT UR TALKING BOUT, I will say I am russian, and that I know people who would be very angry with me for saying what I am about to say, but its true. The whole school taken hostage, the theater taken hostage, thousands of russian soldiers dead, thousands of chechen soldiers and civilians dead, all that could have been avoided, THROUGH NEGOTIATION. A wise man once said, "If you do not learn from the past, you are bound to repeat it." you my friend, are joining the growing bandwagon of people who will repeat the mistakes of the past, over and over and over again. Maybe one day people like you will take the time to open your eyes...or maybe not.