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Default 11-26-2005, 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by "Sgt>Stackem":f6974
NEVER negotiat with terrorists

Doubt they know what "negotiat" means anyway. eek:[/quote:f6974] happy:
Anyway, on a more serious note, terrorists are enemies, just like Germany was during ww1+ww2, just like the U.S.S.R. was during the cold war. So, why should we not negotiate? true, they are a different type of enemy, but they are an enemy nontheless. And we have a chance that our negotiations will be successful. A small chance, possibly even miniscule, but it is still there. And if it is there, it is my solemn belief that we should take it.

1) Anarchy? I doubt they want that. Some terrorist groups perhaps, but not the ones we are speaking of. I believe that they are fighting against America because they are raised to hate America. They see America as a ruthless oppressor, that threatens their way of life. If you were in their position, would you not want to fight back? What you need to understand is that a lot of these terrorists are young adults and kids sitting at home making home-made bombs so that they can continue to wage their "jihad" after their father, and brothers were, in their minds, ruthlessly murdered by American soldiers. Even more simply believe America has overstayed its welcome in Iraq, and want it out of their country. Still others see Iraq as confirmation of America's treachery and rush to fight it on that front. if we meet violence with violence, we will simply be playing into the terrorists hands. After all, they expect no better from us. But we can prove them wrong. We can show them that we are willing to compromise in order to save lives, that we are willing to work together to make the world a safer place. We must show them that America is not what they have been told, thereby uprooting their reason to fight.

2) Toucher. You made a good point, and I can't really rebut you on that front.

3) Are you so sure you know your enemy so well, as to, gun them down relentlessly with no chance for peace? The mentality of, "The enemy is pure evil, they will not negotiate," has brought about wars instead of peace, crushing once flourishing civilizations. I will take ww1 as an example. Serbian rebels(as some view them), or terroists(as others view them), assasinated Astro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Astro-Hungaria declared war on Serbia, and in that instant ignited one of the most horrific wars they world has ever seen. A true testament to what humans can do to each other, when they have that mentality(the enemy is not worth negotiating with/won't negotiate.) Now think. MILLIONS of innocent civilians, as well as soldiers died between 1914-1918. All because one man was assassinated. Astro-Hungaria declared a WAR on a country, simply because ONE man was assassinated. Negotiating with those danmed serbian terroists would have been futile of course....or so we think...but we will never know, will we?

Anyway, I have digressed, but my final point of the day will be that, I highly doubt all the jihadists want to have an islamic world free from infidels. Some, perhaps. But not all. Many believe they are fighting tyranny. Many believe they are fighting to avenge the deaths of their loved ones. And many believe they are fighting to rid their country of America presence/imperialism.
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