Thread: Rookie MOHPA
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be more specific with ya critism.
MudMarine is Offline
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Location: Orange Park, Florida
Default be more specific with ya critism. - 11-27-2005, 03:37 PM

I see I am gona run into you alot in this forum. Ya say the game sucks, how so? I do care for INTELIGENT converation. Ya make your statements with out any facts, or incidents to back up your claim. I see your inteligent enough to use a CPU and a key board even with the profanity. How about a coversation with an exchange of ideas.

So what about the game don't you like any why? While ya do so please use all the profanity you like. Please make inteligent statements inbetween.

As far as liking the game and think it is great, thats just my opinion or does opinions other than your own threaten you. Otherwise ya remind me of a pest, a fly, steep in manure. I will just have tp accept that. Please excuse my poor spellin. I can see the wheels turn as you read. Step on the breaks you might sound inteligent. happy: