Thread: Rookie MOHPA
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who cares about coding as lon as it plays
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Default who cares about coding as lon as it plays - 11-27-2005, 07:25 PM

Well Nyck,
One diference right of the bat. I DID BUY IT. In your own words:
I never even bought this game

For what I paid for it it works just fine. no lag what ever. Play on line, I do not need to. I enjoy the game for the atmosphere and experience and challenge. When the price comes down I will get COD2. It is my money and I just honesty state my opinion.

You wrote: Its REALLY linear and has nothing different from MOHAA save you are killing japs now instead of krauts.

Comparing a horse and buggy to the first automobile. What you see is the wave of the future. Graphics are better, more realistic and better story line. Those Japanese troops are a hell of alot harder to knock off. Lone wolf it and you are dead meat. The Jap AI more inteligent then Jerry in MOHAA. That is at the mediun setting just tryin the realistic. As the settings increases so does the enemy change. Gads of problems just getting off the Pearl Habor Docks. Any COD or MOHAA player will have all kinds of trouble like in real life. Unless they play a COD modded to realism. Ya got no hud, no crosshairs, no amo count or compass. Just you and your weapon and you better know to best use it and know your amo load out.


Life never meets expectations, learn that lesson other wise ya good be a real disapointed dude in life. Such is life. Aleast you bought it, what did you expect for a new game? never believe the hype. All the advertising hype si to wet your apetite for thier eye candy.

Sure it was buggy when it first came out. All games go thru that. Maybe people bought the game and found out they did not have the graphics or PC to support it. Blame the Game companies and computer companies. Those newer games are going to demand more high end PC. So MOHPA and COD2 is just the start. As long as people want the eye candy, they will pay and get better systems. Time and techknowledgy does not stand still.
Ya should have read the min requirments and figured double what was realy needed. More companies are maken games for PS or xbox. Now even the old systems are on the way out. The new standard will be PS3 and XBOX 360.

Heck the VCR is going the way of the old beta track. I had to get a DVD player to watch the newer movies.

What is it sounds like the kiddies are being left behind in the techno race. and in the future no one to play with them thier favorite game on -line. I guess the parents won't put owt the dough. They might have to work for thier new toys like us grown -ups. That is a shocker.

Tystnad have ya bought it or are you in Nyck's class. you make statments not back up by any facts. Both of you are all emotion, no thought. Atleast Posiden bought the game.

PS Kyck you and your crowd aint the whole world. Open your mind and experience somthin new, ya might like it. By the way it is my money not yours.

Before I forget :nice to hear from TonyMontana ,the cpu and CP. In my days of old DOS it was CPU. These Kiddies don't know those good old days.
Take away windows and thier mice they be lost. Heck even I would have to break out the DOS manuals. Ya old enough to remember the space sim Begin? It is still arround.