Thread: Rookie MOHPA
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Kyck crowd not the whole world
MudMarine is Offline
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Default Kyck crowd not the whole world - 11-27-2005, 08:11 PM


Glad ta here from ya. Have ya beaten the game at realistic level? Just finished the Canal headed in to Tarawa on the medium level. Sorry I do not do MP. If there was a group that did squad level actions Marine 9 man squad and Japanese 13 man, I might be talked into it.

Yes that team work is what it is about, lone wolf or John wayne it just gets ya KOed real fast.

That realistic level is pure murder. I am stuck at Pearl Harbor Dock. Do to try shooten down Zeros with SMG. Not worth the trouble. Hard enough pickin up 3 wounded sailors and stayin alive. Only Iorn sights and no consol or hud. not even an loaded amo count or amo count of any kind.