Thread: Rookie MOHPA
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Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays
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Default Re: who cares about coding as lon as it plays - 11-28-2005, 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by Poseidon
I found MOHPA to be VERY simular to MOHAA .
I'm not going to spend alot of time defending PA, I spent countless hours doing that in the EA forums when it was released, but I do have to comment on this one. What i really find interesting about any release is the different way people perceive it. When the game was first released I heard some folks complaining that it was too much like MOHAA, but the greater majority complained that it wasn't enough like MOHAA. I guess folks wanted the exact same gameplay as MOHAA but against Japanese. I guess it is just the way you look at it.

Mud - I only went through the game on the Normal level. I never played it through on the Realistic mode. This wasn't because I didn't like the SP game, but because I just like MP better. I had some really fun nights playing with clan members. What ruined it for me was that there was a sudden influx of bunny hoppers and trouble makers. At about that same time I had some computer problems and by the time I got that fixed most folks had moved on to a different game.

I really liked PA and miss playing it. To me, having an objective to reach focuses the action and makes the game more fun. Couple that with the fact that you don't have to run for two or three minutes (ala BF2) to get to the action and you have a great game.

I guess I was just lucky that I had a video card that could handle the game. The graphics were amazing and the game play was smooth.