a little clarification needed -
11-29-2005, 10:00 PM
My writin(g) style is dun (done) on purpose. Speach is not a grammatic form of expression. So I tend ta(to) write the way I speak. Ya (you) may
be haven trouble understandin. Just think about waht ya readin.
Out of a sence of curtsey, try ta address all concerned parties. There is where some confucion (confusion) may take place. Like bein in a room where there is more than one confersation (conversation) is taken place.
I guess ya a Brit, by ya handle. USA spellin is without the e. If the Brits wrote how the spoke I be haven problems. I wrote:
That BF2 is just an updated version of MOHAA. Yes, ya had sights for heavy weapons but those annoyin cross hairs to help ya sight ya small arms. No wonder these guys hate it. It is MOHPA in hard or realistic mode. Should have added that. Some times the words come faster than I can type. I do suffer from fat finger sydrome, hittin the wrong key at times and fail to correct mistake.
Col. darlin,
You and I are talkin about MOHPA not MOHAA or its clones.
Did ya not know that Jarheads are devine creatures? We aint human. See the Boot Camp sequence in MOHPA. Once a Gi-rine always a Gi-rine.
Johnj, which one is you in the picture. Let me guess, the Guy with no hair. Mean left hook.
Himmler, Whats got ya goat? Why ya pissed?
Nyck, Ya lost or somethin? NO guts in the real world. Yet on-line ya is a brave lion. Ya just a pussy cat at heart.
Some it up(Sum)( for Hawke's benifet): Two different style of games and different fans of each with different playin styles.
PS I forgot Akuma ,Crazy Kanuk and Snip.
Akuma Glad ya like the posts. Ain't got no fear.
Crazy Kanuk ya must have a limit vocabulary of LOL. Ya writtin ablity as bad as mine?
Sniper101, my grades for grammer where D's, never could correct them bad habits. When I want to I do use a spell checker. More fun this way. If ya like snipin like ya handle says, ya must like COD series and MOHPA. Plenty of action in these games for a good sniper. That sequence in the Luguna River swamp is a sniper's challenge, MOHPA. The Nips are real deadly there.
Lets not forget Bullet, pictures only? Now, ya can do better than that. Ya must have failed grammer and spellin also.
I hope I did not forget any one or lose anyone along the way.
Semper FI