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Enthusiast Photography
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Default Enthusiast Photography - 11-29-2005, 11:33 PM

I've been looking into getting into photography recently, and I've been taking a course in school on the subject. However, the time has come where I have to get my own camera, and since it's nearing Christmas I thought I'd ask for a camera for the holidays.

I know a few of you here are into the hobby, so I was wondering what camera everyone uses or would recommend?

Price isn't really a concern here, although it has to be reasonable. I don't think anything 1k or under is horribly out of the question however I know some manufactures have those crazy 7k cameras.

The only technical aspect of the camera that I require is that it has to be a digital camera. I would prefer to use a film camera but the cost of using the schools darkroom for photopaper and film would be pretty much all of my personal budget which I have to spend on lunch and food outside of the house.

I've heard the D50 and D70 being tossed around, could anyone explain anything about these?

If you're into photography and use a digital camera post some of the pictures you've taken. I'm curious to see their quality.
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