12-01-2005, 10:12 AM
Multiplayer on Perfect Dark can suck a dick, I hate having to shot someone 20 times in the head to kill them.
Almost done with condemned, trying to get everything so I get the good ending. The game will creep you out, I run it with 5.1 digital surround on my 51" screen in the dark and it scares the shit out of my girlfriend, as well as myself (not gay)
As far as console fps shooters go, I was dead against them until Halo 2 came out. That came needs to be played with a controller. CoD 2 on the 360 needs getting used to, but I adjusted pretty quickly. I just wish the damn games would follow in Halo 2's footsteps and use a good multiplayer system based on buddy lists and rank. In CoD 2 you can barely find a server with enough slots to invite your friends in, and only 8 players? wtf