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Need For Speed: Most Wanted
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Default Need For Speed: Most Wanted - 12-06-2005, 10:21 PM

Anybody play this game? I got it for PS2 and its fun as shit. I love hearing the cops on the radio when they are chasing you, it sounds pretty real as far as using the 10 codes (even though they arent the real 10 codes).But it is just so cool to hear them trying to take you down, and running your car. Its always fun to hear the dispatcher say "we have reports of stret racers in the area." than the cop sees you and hes like "10-4, we have a code 3, vehicle is a red Mitsubishi" good times happy: .But the overall quality of the game is the best one to date.

So far my 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse is unstoppable, i beat a Porche Cayman S, and Mustang GT and countless others. I started with the Chevy Cobalt, which isnt a bad little vehicle.

So enough ranting, you guys play this? And if so what car do you have?

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