08-29-2002, 10:31 PM
Best ww1/ww2 = A bridge too far
Best Nam = Platoon
Best Modern = Blackhawk Down
Best Drama = Schindler's List
Best Action = Die Hard Series
Best Mob = Godfather 1-3
Best Comedy = Austin Powers 1-3
Best Western = The Good, The bad and the Ugly
Best Martial Arts = Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Best Horror/suspense = The Exorcist
Best Adventure = The James Bond Franchise, Moonraker
Best Animated = American Pop, Final Fantasy
Best Foreign = Stalingrad, The Red Violin
Best College Gross out = Animal House
Best Documentry = This is spinal tap (jk)
I think i've covered everything, those are the best movies of every genre imo, all of them except Stalingrad are in my movie collection.