08-29-2002, 10:49 PM
yup, they are two different germans, the guy who killed mellish had a camo smock on, and waffen ss collar tabs, steamboat willy had heer collar tabs and was wearing a zeltbahn shelter quarter. Jackson probably did reload but it got cut out, it's called "montaging" where the post production guys edit out some parts for whatever reason. 2 tigers, one jagdpanzer iv, one marder 3 and a half track along with 50 or so waffen ss troops vs. 5 rangers, 1 chicken shit translator, and about 10 airborne pathfinders with bazookas, stickybombs, molotovs, and two .30cal mmgs could hold their own against all those krauts. One reason the tanks didn't open up on the ville could have been because of shortage of ammo. The waffen ss troops are tough, but during that stage of the war training programs and conpetent officers were in high demand.