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Default 08-30-2002, 12:02 AM

Unfortunately there seems to be a bit of confusion on the aims and methods of my new fixes. Unfortunately I must step out for a bit, however below is some info cut from the other thread that might give you some more info. I'll add a real post once I get home in an hour or so. Thanks BB for posting about it not kicking folks and trying to clear this up.

The new mod doesn't actually kick anyone for anything. What it can do right now related to this is:
1) Force the client to have force models On or Off
2) Force the client to use a particular skin for Allied/Axis
Admins will be able to configure it any which way, and I will be working on more options for filtering. Right now it's pretty basic, brute force so to speak, but even with just those two options it gives the admin several possibilites.
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