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I'm sick of this crap
Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
Posts: 4,318
Join Date: Jun 2002
Default I'm sick of this crap - 12-09-2005, 12:47 PM

So, I go to the post office today to mail some orders. Anyway, I see a poster on the wall advertising some special seasonal stamps. Among the stamps, I see stamps for:



EID (which I'm guessing is some sort of Islamic Holiday)

... and then I noticed these stamps....

which were called "HOLIDAY Cookies"

So, I get up to the window and I ask, "Where are the 'Christmas' stamps?" I was told "Oh, we can't have anything that references "Christmas" - but we do have "Holiday" stamps. So, I then say, "well, you have stamps for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and EID." The lady says "I know, but I guess "Christmas" is different.

Now, I know that this is becoming kind of a hotbed issue lately. At area schools, they have a "giving tree" (not a "Christmas" tree), although they have a "Menorah", and a "Kwanzaa Tree" prominently displayed. But, this was the first time I personally have really been flat-out pissed off by it.

I don't like to express my religious beliefs on here because it's kind of a personal issue. However, I DO respect other peoples religious beliefs, and feel that EVERYONE should be allowed to express themselves. I have seen over the last 5-10 years the increasing attacks on Christianity - and everything it stands for. The holiday on December 25th, is called "Christmas". It is not "Holiday". It is not "Winter Day". It is called "Christmas". If you look on ANY Calendar that is the name of it. Yet, in the name of political correctness - we are not able to recognize the actual name of the holiday - out of fear of offending someone. I personally think that's a crock of bullshit.

So, next year, I am personally going to make a point to NOT do any business with any companies that sell "Hanaukkah, Kwanzaa" or any other "Religious Holiday" products - but do not sell "Christmas" products. Places like K-Mart, Target, and Sears are removing the word "Christmas" from their advertisements - but offer dozens of items for these other holidays. I listened on the radio recently about how Home Depot had decided not to carry "Christmas Trees", but "Holiday Trees" this year. I guess that so many customers and employee's complained - they changed their mind.

You don't have to be a Christian to understand the importance of Christmas - and to respect what it stands for. I hope that ALL Americans and people across the world can learn to stand up for the idea that first they take away the word "Christmas" - and next it may be Kwanzaa, or Hanaukkah, or even holidays like The Fourth of July, or Memorial Day. We ALL need to start standing up for the errosion of our cultures - and start letting our voices be heard. I say "Bring Back CHRISTMAS"!

I predict that in three years we'll be saying "Allahu Akbar!" instead of "Merry Christmas!"

I'm getting so sick of everything, I'm going to move to Montana in a few years, where only 12 people live, so I won't have to encounter any more bullshit like this.
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