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Posts: 150
Join Date: Jun 2002

08-30-2002, 01:11 AM
hahaha.... mornoic and barely historic, sort of.
Although a shot gun was rarely(if ever) used in combat, simular in nature to MOHAA is another matter.
Yes it is a decent wepon in an un modded game, why cause it kills to easy, hell that is why i like the STG under CKR, but the shot gun is not that historicly correct, nor is it favored.
You'll understand this sooner or later, and you will noticet the draw backs in close combat, on a larage game, as someone can easily out shoot you, especially if they know how to play, As the shot gun is an extremely inacurate wepon, (sort of.)
All your post suggests to me is that plain an simple you take this game half serious -- which is reccomended-- as the level of seriousness I can take this gmae is mindnumbing, and more or less disturbing!
Now Back to the point, do you often find yourself not making first, do you often find yoourself wondering why people call you a newb, ass, Fag, so on and so forth, do you find yourself having horrible and outlandish ratios???
Well my slow friend, you are a NEWB! and well we all were, accpet it!! but in my view its like Gay pride, sure i'm fine with them, sometimes I can tolerate there dress and actions in public, But honestly they need a Gay Pride march as much as the KKK needs a ralley. (THIS LAST PARAGRAPH IS NOT MENT TO OFFEND, THIS IS MY OPION AN AS I EXPRESSED ABOVE, WE ALL SHOULD HAVE ONE)
Why, you ask? why is it a newb wepon, a smart person containg knowledge, could easily dodge shotgun rounds in the game, infact when I come up against a shotgun -- which is rare on a CKR server, as the shotguns contain little power, and are modded this way, promoting other and more exciting wepons to use, which by the way also kill in ONE shot if aimed properly(not to mention, Aiming is rather easy) -- Well... Like i said "When I come up against a Shotgun in a game I normaly win the dual, on about a 10:1 ratio. the ratio could be higher if I knew s/he was running towards me.
do you see, although a shotgun may kill in one shot, it rarely does, thus causing problems, especially if the server has a realism mod on it, IE. Crow Kings Server which runs his CKR(Crow Kings Realism) mod, the shotgun is modded(modified) to be less powerfull then the stock standard. the CKR mod also moddes other wepons makeing them stronger, and more appealing. IE. the dreadful STG, or KAR(mauser) or MOB's server BAR.
Now suppose I ran up to you, and had 15 shots left in a Thompson, and you had two rouns left in your shot gun, and I dodged your bullets and you dodged mine, Well we both have to reload, the THompson reloads faster then the shotgun(one of the slowest reloading time for a wepon in this game) and assuming it doesn't turn into a pistol war, I will infact be finished re-loading, And incase you run, I would most likely follow, and like i said 10:1(+) odds are you would be dead.
So what if the shotgun is good on a laggy larage Omaha game, those games require little skill. Know how i know that, THat is how i started playing MOHAA, in larage laggy servers, I can remember back about 6months(+) ago sniping in Stalingrad, Camping out with a Rocket in omaha(keeping in mind this was way before Crow Kings server)
I eventually got sick of that, and used a real wepon. and Discovered Crow Kings server, which i quickly blossemed into what I consider a rather decnet player(i'll be modest here.) although I metioned using a sniper rifle in stalingrad(NOT RECCOMENDED) a Sniper is a toatly bad wepon, it is good target practice, and fun if used in a resecptable and SMART siuation, IE. no small games, unless otherwised instructed, or if the game you are in has about 10 snipers already.
Well now, I think i conveyed my point rather well, as well as rather confusing. Don't worry in the near future i will proffread this beast.
I will leave you with a quote from my brother Neo Nezi Hitler "What Kind Of Hick takes a shotgun to war?"
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