08-30-2002, 01:51 AM
shotgun has its purpose, just like the stg, bar, kar98, pistols, nades, and so on, nothing really special about it. if you really love sniping/shotties, hop on different servers running different mods, I can gaurantee you the shotty wont be as effective in the ckr environment, sniping in the doa (takes alot of practice to get any good at sniping), mg'ing with ares5. come to the doa server and snipe, or join rude's server and use the shotty, I can gaurantee you that you will die to my pistol before you kill me.
another thing, you were talking about having someone follow you into a building so you could camp at the door and kill them. Its appearant you haven't played others who are a little better. Any decent player no matter what server they are on, would at least chuck a few nades or take there time by glancing in to see if you are camping. if you are gonna bait ppl, dont expect to be a sound plan, alot of ppl can easily get you other ways