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Default 12-11-2005, 03:51 PM

Aye, I've got both an Ipod and PSP. I don't have a big enough memory stick for the PSP so it's kinda worthless at the moment. If you get one, before you do anything you'll have to dish out a bit of cash for extra memory (when you just spent a shitload on the PSP itself). Wireless internet is kind of a joke, it's novelty wears off quick. Putting on emulators and playing old school Mario where ever you go is a +. Battery life isn't that great... and that's about it. I haven't tried movies yet since they won't fit on my 32mb included card. If I had to buy it I wouldn't have. Ipod is just too good for music, and that's all ya need imo.

Originally Posted by Arkan
and i get laid on a daily basis so that rules out my needing p0rn

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