12-11-2005, 07:32 PM
creative zens blow and you know it dance:
ive had a like olddd ass ipod for 4 years now, it still works absolutely fine to this day with battery lasting just as long as ever, but my father uses it now as he got me a newer photo colour ipod which works just as fine. Dont believe most of the bullshit floating about complaints, most are fake and made by creative zen owners that want to justify themselves buying the 2nd place product.
anyway psp is pretty damn hot for all the things you can do, surf net, listen to music, watch movies, look at your photos, let alone play games. Id say if you want a decent digital music player to play your music on, and put your whole music library on then get the ipod, its smaller and does what its supposed todo, if your looking for something that does more than that but is limited to only a 1-2gb storage then go with the psp.