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Default 12-11-2005, 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by Pyro
The only arguement I can use is to compare rap lyrics (moreso backpacker rap) to country'll see a very obvious difference in the intelectual capacity of the writer.
This is really tempting to compare and contrast the lyrics of guys asking folks to kill policemen, rape and disrespect their girlfriends, and colorful use of foul language - to guys singing about trains, rain, and momma .... but I'm tired and BF2 is calling me.
You are very ignorant in your assessment of rap. Not all rap is about that...which is why I specifically notified in my prior post that backpacker rap should be used as a basis.
if you're gonna set a basis for rap, you have to set one for country...

and also, I don't see how even backpacker rap has a higher intellectual capacity then country. Most of it is just saying how they need to get out of the ghetto and how they need to work out of where they are and how they have been wronged.

Don't get me wrong, I love some underground hip hop, but I just don't think you can make statements like that when comparing it to another type of music that is different in so many ways.
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