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Default 12-11-2005, 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by elstatec

thats all im hearing.

Apple have made the best product on the market in form of the iPod, they have done very well from it and so market it even more as they know people will buy it as advertising a good product works, and just because you believe their brand to be too mainstream doesnt mean the actual product is of any lesser quality, i couldnt give a shit if everyone had an ipod and i wanted something so i could be different, or a bit special, i would want the best product for the job and that is simply the iPod.
you have said over and over again how the iPod is superior but you have given no reasons to why...What I'm getting at is iPods are more expensive and they are practically the same as the alternatives, i'm not saying alternatives are better because they are underground, I'm saying they are a better choice because they are cheaper, they don't have the complaints that iPods have (even if they are unfounded) and they are practically the same.

And I am certainly not saying that Zens are better, I don't even own one.

Coleman, I also like the other menus better than the iPod, but that's just because it's what I'm used to. I really don't see a difference in iPods and the alternatives besides the menus, and the menus are both fine depending on how used to them you are.
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