12-12-2005, 12:19 AM
warning, the following posts contains poor writing and bad sentence structure. im so fucking tired as i write this.
i bought my mini because of several reasons.
first: the zen i bought broke within 5 minutes. awesome.
second: the mini was $50 cheaper (price arguement doesn't apply to me)
i forget how the zen felt, so im getting a guy to get his while i post this so i can make an informed decision on what i like better.
first off, theres a few goodies the zen has to offer over the ipod. built in fm tuner (but who listens to the radio... seriously) combined with microphone makes for a solid one up over the ipod. the only problem is the zen's battery life of 12 hours while the ipod holds 18 hours (i've had my ipod for a long time now, my battery hasnt deterioated any just as everyone else here). the feel of the zen isnt that great, the scroll bar simply sucks. it's either too jumpy or it doesn't move far enough and its limited. in contrast the ipod touch scroll is continuous: you can rip from a - z of your song list in seconds yet it still keeps a sensitivity well enough for you to pinpoint options with ease. the zen only allows 2 gigs to be used as a removable storage which sorta sucks, i dont know how may times my ipods come in handy as a 2nd drive. ipod has games too, parachute saved my life during science class. ipod has a shitload of accessories (some can be pretty functional). scrolling to certain points in a song is x100 faster with the ipod than the zen. having to hold fast forward is a waste of time imo.
those are ust a few of my opinions and observations as i have both the zen and ipod in each hand, and why id rather have an ipod. the zens a good player but i just dont think it can match the ipods functionality. the zen owner even admitted he would rather have an ipod.