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Default 12-13-2005, 06:24 PM

i dont have a problem with those that are different than myself, ive got both European and native american in my blood. my problem is mostly the fact that in the process of being "politically" correct, we tend to forget where we do come from (as Americans). i cant speak anyother language fluently, but i have made the effort to learn the basics of 9 other languages, such as please, thank you, can i have some beer or wine etc. before i visited some of the countries i have. no i understand that some immagrants dont have the opportunity to learn english in their native country, because of where they live, their econ class and what not. but those that have been here for many years and STILL cant speak english i find a bit of a problem with, especially if they are part of the work force. and though america has no official language, or religion, i think those who come here should respect our views and not take public the offense they find in our ways, especially if your not an official american or, and excuse me for this but, have the birth right of being american

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