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Default 08-30-2002, 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by Germ
guns n' roses suk rollingstones are the l337 lol
No, you mean In my opinion guns n' roses suk rollingstones are the l337 lol

or I think that guns n' roses suk rollingstones are the l337 lol

secondly, in the post after youd said youve never even heard of how would you if they even "suk" or not?

anyway, Axl, duff, izzy, slash, Matt (prefer him to adler). Thats what GNR was all about. I wouldnt pay to see them now, i would only want to see the original line up.
Slash did say in a recent interview (about 2 years ago..err not so recent) that he would come back if the original line up came back. he says he wont play in a second rate GNR. And the group will only reform if axl cuts his crap about changing the music style. cant see that happening, and its a damn shame too.
Guns N Roses are up there with the best, regardless of what others think.
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