Originally Posted by Acideyez
Originally Posted by Machette
I don't hate rednecks. I just think guns are irresponsible all together, I wish they were never created and I wished they were banned...what have they brought for us as human beings in this reckless society? Fun you say, I laugh at you when you say that because guns not only bring some people fun for a small minority but it brings wars, huge death rates which are part of the majority of the fraction (In Toronto alone 70 or more people died from gang related crimes using guns this summer and its consantly in the newspapers) This is only my opinion of course and I don't mean to stir rhetoric even though thats what will happen because I know on this fourm their are a good amount of gun owners who see themselves as responsible...but a huge majority arn't.
yes, there were no wars before guns were invented. absolutley none!
They brought war to its epic state which it stands now, killing more on a grand scale. I'll take an example of a Newfoundland regiment in WW1 which had 1,000 men they were forced over the top 200 came back in 15 minutes, no war killed so many in so little time. And colonel I'm interested out of curiosity to see the statistic.