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Default 12-19-2005, 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by elstatec
How can it have more bad things than good? Are you just plain ignorant? Where are these 'studies' that you refer to?...
You should take a lesson from my friend Machette. It is possible to discuss opposing views without name calling. The points that I used are available in the FBI database. I'm still waiting to hear what facts you are using as a basis for your assertion.

... and guns are designed to do exactly what I said before - propel bullets at a high velocity.

and BTW, SoLiDUS, lay off Machette please. thx
That is what they do as a function. That's their action. Their purpose is totally different.

A Music cd is embedded data that is meant to send a signal to a speaker so it can emit sound waves in a certain point...while a purpose is to entertain a listener.

A guns purpose is to harm or kill. No if ands or buts about it. Do you really truly believe guns were designed to be a tool in a recreational activity...?