08-30-2002, 01:43 PM
i did it like this because my numbers doesnt work (dont know why)
bind UPARROW "move_in"
bind DOWNARROW "fall_back"
bind LEFTARROW "right_flank"
bind RIGHTARROW "left_flank"
bind RCTRL "hold_pos"
bind RALT "cover_fire"
bind RSHIFT "regroup"
bind u "cover_me"
bind i "cover_you"
bind o "follow_me"
bind $ "take_point"
bind ! "taking_fire"
bind BACKSPACE "charge_cmd"
bind ) "take_lead"
bind - "attack_cmd"
bind F4 "area_clear"
bind F5 "great_shot"
bind F6 "no_sir"
bind F7 "yes_sir"
bind F8 "sniper_spot"
bind F9 "nade_cover"
bind F10 "owe_you"
bind F11 "enemy_spot"
bind F12 "thanks"
bind HOME "all_u_got"
bind INS "yellow_belly"
bind END "target_practice"
bind PGUP "cowards"
bind PGDN "try_again"
bind DEL "made_mess"
bind LALT "out_men"
bind LCTRL "come_prepared"
bind v "get_killed"
bind b "poor_leader"
bind n "good_rid"
bind , "get_down"
bind : "out_my_way"
bind = "shoot_better"
bind F1 "out_foxhole"
bind F2 "own_hiding"
you can alsoo do like this but i dont know how it works (i found it on the forum)
If you look at the text below you'll see a number before each line, e.g. "1.1 Move in"...if you do a bind of the form:
bind <key> "say *11"
...it'll say "Move in!" if you press the key.
Use the same formula for any of the other phrases.
1 Squad Commands 2 Individual Commands 3 Statements & Responses
1.1 Move in 2.1 Cover me 3.1 Yes sir
1.2 Fall back 2.2 I'll cover you 3.2 No sir
1.3 Attack R flank 2.3 Follow me 3.3 Enemy spotted
1.4 Attack L flank 2.4 You take point 3.4 Sniper
1.5 Hold this position 2.5 You take the lead 3.5 Grenade, take cover
1.6 Covering fire 2.6 Taking fire, need help 3.6 Area clear
1.7 Regroup 2.7 Charge 3.7 Great shot
2.8 Attack 3.8 Thanks
2.9 Open fire 3.9 I owe you one
4 Taunts 5 Team Taunts
4.1 Is that all you've got? 5.1 He's going to get us killed!
4.2 I think that they'te all out of real men! 5.2 A lot of men are going to die because of his poor leadership
4.3 Go on and run, you yellow bellies! 5.3 Good riddance!
4.4 They're a bunch of cowards! 5.4 That guy is goinfg to get us all killed!
4.5 Come back when you've had target practise! 5.5 Hey buddy, get down!
4.6 Come prepared next time! 5.6 Stay out my foxhole, pal!
4.7 Try again! 5.7 Find your own hiding place!
4.8 I've seen French school girls shoot better! 5.8 Get out of my way!
4.9 That made a mess.
Here's an extension of that idea, and apologies to those that have seen this before. The enemy taunts are a good candidate for cycling through on a single key. The others aren't for obvious reasons. Here's how to do it.
alias all_u_got "say *41; alias NMETaunt out_men"
alias out_men "say *42; alias NMETaunt yellow_belly"
alias yellow_belly "say *43; alias NMETaunt cowards"
alias cowards "say *44; alias NMETaunt target_practise"
alias target_practise "say *45; alias NMETaunt come_prepared"
alias come_prepared "say *46; alias NMETaunt try_again"
alias try_again "say *47; alias NMETaunt shoot_better"
alias shoot_better "say *48; alias NMETaunt made_mess"
alias made_mess "say *49; alias NMETaunt all_u_got"
alias NMETaunt "all_u_got"
bind n "NMETaunt"
If you press n, it will firstly say "The enemy are all out of real men!" and thereafter, every time you press n again it will say the next taunt in the list and cycle round again. Use sparingly (but often enough) for best results. The game uses English or German depending on your team, the numbers are the same.