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Default 12-20-2005, 12:36 AM

Originally Posted by tomxtr
Let's agree to disagree on the purpose of a gun, whether it be for self defense or for mayhem. The fact is where children under 10 are concerned, a child is 100 times more likely to die at a friends house with a pool than at a friends house with a firearm. Should we remove all pools from the populous?

That being said, I don't see a need for the average Joe to possess the firepower shown in the video.
Agree to disagree ? FUCK NO. That's exactly the kind of attitude that enables politicians to strip you of an increasing number of rights for no other reason than to give you a semblance of safety when the reality is you're no safer than when things started.

Face it: the real problem is a lack of

- intelligence,
- awareness,
- knowledge,
- training,
- consideration,
- respect.

Human nature is a bitch... and until someone comes along with a better solution, firearms have their place as deterrents, on top of their many recreational uses. Oh, and to whoever requested I give them the gunfacts: google it, you lazy fuck. Alternately, it's on