12-20-2005, 04:23 AM
Coldplay was fucking AWESOME!! Richard Ashcroft (their support act) was very good aswell.
I got standing tickets and was one of the first into the stadium so we legged it to the front. We ended up right at the front of the arena, actually touching the barrier. I couldnt have really asked for a better place in the stadium.
Although he fucked up twice when singing his whole performance was awesome, hes fantastic live. Funniest bit was this suspended light bulb that he was swinging around the stage, he released it jumped over the front speakers to the front of the stage and nearly got hit by the light as it came back. It was about an inch from his head happy: He also popped some balls that dropped from the cealing after bouncing on stage, they got stuck on his guitar, so needed a replacement guitar.
My mate used his digital camera, so i'll be getting them pictures later tonight. So i'll upload the best ones for you tonight.