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Default 12-21-2005, 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by Colonel
Originally Posted by Pyro
A guns purpose is to harm or kill. No if ands or buts about it. Do you really truly believe guns were designed to be a tool in a recreational activity...?
Actually there are guns designed specifically for target shooting (a recreational activity). No harm. No kill. There are guns designed to fire smoke cartridges. No harn. No kill. My father used a gun to save his life and never fired it. No harm to anyone, but it saved his life.

A gun is designed to shoot bullets. How you use it says more about your purpose than it does the gun's.

As for us being a more peaceful country without guns, I doubt it.

1. I would be an orphan.
2. Cities that have banned guns have seen an increase in crime.
3. Poverty levels and drug use rates have more to do with crime rates than the amount of guns available.
And I wouldn't exist if guns didn't exist?

Well...and Hitler...but no world war me.