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Default 08-30-2002, 04:30 PM

ok, time for Uncle Arkan's take on things. I totally agree with the original post. Men are a species that must concure all pussy!! It's true, we like the female gender, simple as that! If i lived in the stone age, i'd be screwing every female that came along but since i'm born in a "politically correct" world, thats simply not possible. You see, it's not me stopping me, it's society who's stopping me. As far as my woman is concerned, i chose her as the "one" who i live with and have children with but the male instinct is to protect and concure. We are the stronger species (and don't try to flame me girls) and this holds true in nature. Women are meant to bear children....thats why they're the ones who get pregnant. They are the better parent and have nurturing qualities that the male species lack. The male species in the family is the "outsider" and he fits the role well. In this day and age, we are "taught" how to act and behave (even if it's against our instinct) and thats why you see the differences between todays world and the old world.
I'm so called "faithful" since thats the way i was taught but i definately don't feel it's natural. You can argue the point to the ground but i believe we were meant to have multiple partners. Remember, the male species is the "outsider" and the female doesn't have any use for them once the young are old enough to tend to themselves.
Don't anyone take it personal, it's just nature man!!

The world is my urinal
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