08-30-2002, 07:00 PM
ok i bind keys by typing in the console.......
bind key say whatever
example mine is......
bind 1 say suck that bitch
and then at the top of the screen comes up "suck that bitch"
also you can bind a key so that it is only said to you team, to do this you type.......
bind key teamsay whatever
example mine is .....
bind 2 teamsay thanks dude
and at the top of the screen comes up "(team) thanks dude"
also you can bind keys where you press alt or ctrl + the key and you would type.......
alt/ctrlbind key say/teamsay whatever
now i havent used either of the alt or ctrl binding so i have no example to show you
Also to clear your bindings you type......
unbind key or......
unaltbind key or........
unctrlbind key
unbind 1
Then when i would press one nothing would happen and "suck that bitch" would be gone.
One problem that i am having is that i dont know how to save these bindings.......if anyone knows how to save the bindings please post it here or pm me.
Hope i helped ya out dude.
Raging Bull